Holly Hill Ln, Hayesville NC 28904
Property Details
- County | State:
- Parcel Number:
- GPS Coordinates:
- Clay County NC
- 549900-34-9836
- 35°01'05.9"N 83°41'52.2"W
PRICE REDUCTION !!!!! This is Vacant Land Only. NO STRUCTURES!! Check out this .59-acre lot in Hayesville, Clay County, NC. Beautiful views of mountains, lots of activities to do such as camping, biking, hiking trails and so much more .. this is the cheapest lot you will find in the area. there is gravel road access leading to the lot. Needs a well and septic but electricity is accessible. near the lake. This lot has reasonable restrictions including the right to camp and set up a camper under the limitation that the camper must have self-contained sewage system or connected to the septic system installed on the lot.